
Competitive Programming (2) Advent Calendar 2018の12/25分の記事です。





public class PriorityQueue<T> where T : IComparable
    private IComparer<T> _comparer = null;
    private int _type = 0;

    private T[] _heap;
    private int _sz = 0;

    private int _count = 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Priority Queue with custom comparer
    /// </summary>
    public PriorityQueue(IComparer<T> comparer)
        _heap = new T[128];
        _comparer = comparer;

    /// <summary>
    /// Priority queue
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="type">0: asc, 1:desc</param>
    public PriorityQueue(int type = 0)
        _heap = new T[128];
        _type = type;

    private int Compare(T x, T y)
        if (_comparer != null) return _comparer.Compare(x, y);
        return _type == 0 ? x.CompareTo(y) : y.CompareTo(x);

    public void Push(T x)
        if (_count > _heap.Length)
            var newheap = new T[_heap.Length * 2];
            for (int n = 0; n < _heap.Length; n++) newheap[n] = _heap[n];
            _heap = newheap;

        //node number
        var i = _sz++;

        while (i > 0)
            //parent node number
            var p = (i - 1) / 2;

            if (Compare(_heap[p], x) <= 0) break;

            _heap[i] = _heap[p];
            i = p;

        _heap[i] = x;

    public T Pop()

        T ret = _heap[0];
        T x = _heap[--_sz];

        int i = 0;
        while (i * 2 + 1 < _sz)
            int a = i * 2 + 1;
            int b = i * 2 + 2;

            if (b < _sz && Compare(_heap[b], _heap[a]) < 0) a = b;

            if (Compare(_heap[a], x) >= 0) break;

            _heap[i] = _heap[a];
            i = a;

        _heap[i] = x;

        return ret;

    public int Count()
        return _count;

    public T Peek()
        return _heap[0];

    public bool Contains(T x)
        for (int i = 0; i < _sz; i++) if (x.Equals(_heap[i])) return true;
        return false;

    public void Clear()
        while (this.Count() > 0) this.Pop();

    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
        var ret = new List<T>();

        while (this.Count() > 0)

        foreach (var r in ret)
            yield return r;

    public T[] ToArray()
        T[] array = new T[_sz];
        int i = 0;

        foreach (var r in this)
            array[i++] = r;

        return array;



public class UnionFind
    private class Node
        public Node Parent { get; set; }
        public int Rank { get; set; }

    private Dictionary<object, Node> _dict = new Dictionary<object, Node>();

    private Node Root(object data)
        if (!_dict.ContainsKey(data))
            var node = new Node();
            _dict.Add(data, node);
            return node;
            var node = _dict[data];
            return Find(node);

    private Node Find(Node node)
        if (node.Parent == null) return node;
        return node.Parent = Find(node.Parent);

    public void Unite(IComparable x, IComparable y)
        var xRoot = Root(x);
        var yRoot = Root(y);
        if (xRoot == yRoot) return;

        if (xRoot.Rank < yRoot.Rank)
            xRoot.Parent = yRoot;
            yRoot.Parent = xRoot;
            if (xRoot.Rank == yRoot.Rank) yRoot.Rank++;

    public bool IsSameGroup(IComparable x, IComparable y)
        return Root(x) == Root(y);



public class ComparablePair<T, U> : IComparable where T : IComparable<T>
    public readonly T Item1;
    public readonly U Item2;

    public int CompareTo(object obj)
        ComparablePair<T, U> castedObj = (ComparablePair<T, U>)obj;
        return this.Item1.CompareTo(castedObj.Item1);

    public ComparablePair(T t, U u)
        Item1 = t;
        Item2 = u;



// <summary>
// Self-Balancing Binary Search Tree
// (using Randamized BST)
// </summary>
public class SB_BinarySearchTree<T> where T : IComparable
    public class Node
        public T Value;
        public Node LChild;
        public Node RChild;
        public int Count;     //size of the sub tree
                                //            public int Sum;       //sum of the value of the sub tree

        public Node(T v)
            Value = v;
            Count = 1;
            //                Sum = v;

    static Random _rnd = new Random();

    public static int Count(Node t)
        return t == null ? 0 : t.Count;

    //public static int Sum(Node t)
    //    return t == null ? 0 : t.Sum;

    static Node Update(Node t)
        t.Count = Count(t.LChild) + Count(t.RChild) + 1;
        //            t.Sum = Sum(t.LChild) + Sum(t.RChild) + t.Value;
        return t;

    public static Node Merge(Node l, Node r)
        if (l == null || r == null) return l == null ? r : l;

        if ((double)Count(l) / (double)(Count(l) + Count(r)) > _rnd.NextDouble())
        //            if ((double)Count(l) / (double)(Count(l) + Count(r)) > 0.5)   //debug
            l.RChild = Merge(l.RChild, r);
            return Update(l);
            r.LChild = Merge(l, r.LChild);
            return Update(r);

    /// <summary>
    /// split as [0, k), [k, n)
    /// </summary>
    public static Tuple<Node, Node> Split(Node t, int k)
        if (t == null) return new Tuple<Node, Node>(null, null);
        if (k <= Count(t.LChild))
            var s = Split(t.LChild, k);
            t.LChild = s.Item2;
            return new Tuple<Node, Node>(s.Item1, Update(t));
            var s = Split(t.RChild, k - Count(t.LChild) - 1);
            t.RChild = s.Item1;
            return new Tuple<Node, Node>(Update(t), s.Item2);

    public static Node Remove(Node t, T v)
        if (Find(t, v) == null) return t;
        return RemoveAt(t, LowerBound(t, v));

    public static Node RemoveAt(Node t, int k)
        var s = Split(t, k);
        var s2 = Split(s.Item2, 1);
        return Merge(s.Item1, s2.Item2);

    public static bool Contains(Node t, T v)
        return Find(t, v) != null;

    public static Node Find(Node t, T v)
        while (t != null)
            var cmp = t.Value.CompareTo(v);
            if (cmp > 0) t = t.LChild;
            else if (cmp < 0) t = t.RChild;
            else break;
        return t;

    public static Node FindByIndex(Node t, int idx)
        if (t == null) return null;

        var currentIdx = Count(t) - Count(t.RChild) - 1;
        while (t != null)
            if (currentIdx == idx) return t;
            if (currentIdx > idx)
                t = t.LChild;
                currentIdx -= (Count(t == null ? null : t.RChild) + 1);
                t = t.RChild;
                currentIdx += (Count(t == null ? null : t.LChild) + 1);

        return null;

    public static int UpperBound(Node t, T v)
        var torg = t;
        if (t == null) return -1;

        var ret = Int32.MaxValue;
        var idx = Count(t) - Count(t.RChild) - 1;
        while (t != null)
            var cmp = t.Value.CompareTo(v);

            if (cmp > 0)
                ret = Math.Min(ret, idx);
                t = t.LChild;
                idx -= (Count(t == null ? null : t.RChild) + 1);
            else if (cmp <= 0)
                t = t.RChild;
                idx += (Count(t == null ? null : t.LChild) + 1);
        return ret == Int32.MaxValue ? Count(torg) : ret;

    public static int LowerBound(Node t, T v)
        var torg = t;
        if (t == null) return -1;

        var idx = Count(t) - Count(t.RChild) - 1;
        var ret = Int32.MaxValue;
        while (t != null)
            var cmp = t.Value.CompareTo(v);
            if (cmp >= 0)
                if (cmp == 0) ret = Math.Min(ret, idx);
                t = t.LChild;
                if (t == null) ret = Math.Min(ret, idx);
                idx -= t == null ? 0 : (Count(t.RChild) + 1);
            else if (cmp < 0)
                t = t.RChild;
                idx += (Count(t == null ? null : t.LChild) + 1);
                if (t == null) return idx;
        return ret == Int32.MaxValue ? Count(torg) : ret;

    public static Node Insert(Node t, T v)
        var ub = LowerBound(t, v);
        return InsertByIdx(t, ub, v);

    static Node InsertByIdx(Node t, int k, T v)
        var s = Split(t, k);
        return Merge(Merge(s.Item1, new Node(v)), s.Item2);

    public static IEnumerable<T> Enumerate(Node t)
        var ret = new List<T>();
        Enumerate(t, ret);
        return ret;

    static void Enumerate(Node t, List<T> ret)
        if (t == null) return;
        Enumerate(t.LChild, ret);
        Enumerate(t.RChild, ret);

    // debug
    public static int GetDepth(Node t)
        return t == null ? 0 : Math.Max(GetDepth(t.LChild), GetDepth(t.RChild)) + 1;

Randomized BSTを使って自動バランスするようにがんばりました。平衡二分探索木です。Insert()のほかに、Remove()、RemoveAt()、Contains()、Find()、UpperBound()、LowerBound()などがあります。


public class Set<T> where T : IComparable
    protected SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.Node _root;

    public T this[int idx] { get { return ElementAt(idx); } }

    public int Count()
        return SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.Count(_root);

    public virtual void Insert(T v)
        if (_root == null) _root = new SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.Node(v);
            if (SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.Find(_root, v) != null) return;
            _root = SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.Insert(_root, v);

    public void Clear()
        _root = null;

    public void Remove(T v)
        _root = SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.Remove(_root, v);

    public bool Contains(T v)
        return SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.Contains(_root, v);

    public T ElementAt(int k)
        var node = SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.FindByIndex(_root, k);
        if (node == null) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
        return node.Value;

    public int Count(T v)
        return SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.UpperBound(_root, v) - SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.LowerBound(_root, v);

    public int LowerBound(T v)
        return SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.LowerBound(_root, v);

    public int UpperBound(T v)
        return SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.UpperBound(_root, v);

    public Tuple<int, int> EqualRange(T v)
        if (!Contains(v)) return new Tuple<int, int>(-1, -1);
        return new Tuple<int, int>(SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.LowerBound(_root, v), SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.UpperBound(_root, v) - 1);

    public List<T> ToList()
        return new List<T>(SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.Enumerate(_root));

public class MultiSet<T> : Set<T> where T : IComparable
    public override void Insert(T v)
        if (_root == null) _root = new SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.Node(v);
        else _root = SB_BinarySearchTree<T>.Insert(_root, v);



public class Deque<T>
    T[] buf;
    int offset, count, capacity;
    public int Count { get { return count; } }
    public Deque(int cap) { buf = new T[capacity = cap]; }
    public Deque() { buf = new T[capacity = 16]; }

    // for debug
    public T[] Items
            var a = new T[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                a[i] = this[i];
            return a;

    public void Init()
        count = 0;

    public T this[int index]
        get { return buf[getIndex(index)]; }
        set { buf[getIndex(index)] = value; }
    private int getIndex(int index)
        if (index >= capacity)
            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("out of range");
        var ret = index + offset;
        if (ret >= capacity)
            ret -= capacity;
        return ret;
    public void PushFront(T item)
        if (count == capacity) Extend();
        if (--offset < 0) offset += buf.Length;
        buf[offset] = item;
    public T PopFront()
        if (count == 0)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("collection is empty");
        var ret = buf[offset++];
        if (offset >= capacity) offset -= capacity;
        return ret;
    public void PushBack(T item)
        if (count == capacity) Extend();
        var id = count++ + offset;
        if (id >= capacity) id -= capacity;
        buf[id] = item;
    public T PopBack()
        if (count == 0)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("collection is empty");
        return buf[getIndex(--count)];
    public void Insert(int index, T item)
        if (index > count) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
        for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
            this[i] = this[i + 1];
        this[index] = item;
    public T RemoveAt(int index)
        if (index < 0 || index >= count) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
        var ret = this[index];
        for (int i = index; i > 0; i--)
            this[i] = this[i - 1];
        return ret;
    private void Extend()
        T[] newBuffer = new T[capacity << 1];
        if (offset > capacity - count)
            var len = buf.Length - offset;
            Array.Copy(buf, offset, newBuffer, 0, len);
            Array.Copy(buf, 0, newBuffer, len, count - len);
        else Array.Copy(buf, offset, newBuffer, 0, count);
        buf = newBuffer;
        offset = 0;
        capacity <<= 1;



public static Int64 Gcd(Int64 a, Int64 b)
    if (a < b)
        var tmp = a;
        a = b;
        b = tmp;
    if (b == 0) return a;
    var p = a > b ? a : b;
    return Gcd(b, p % b);

public static Int64 ExtGcd(Int64 a, Int64 b, ref Int64 x, ref Int64 y)
    Int64 d = a;
    if (b != 0)
        d = ExtGcd(b, a % b, ref y, ref x);
        y -= (a / b) * x;
        x = 1;
        y = 0;
    return d;



// m種類から重複なくn個を選ぶ組み合わせ
public static Int64 GetMcn(int m, int n)
    Int64 val;
    if (m < n) return 0;
    n = Math.Min(n, m - n);
    if (n == 0) val = 1;
    else val = GetMcn(m - 1, n - 1) * m / n;
    return val;

// m種類から重複なくn個を選んで並べる組み合わせ
public static Int64 GetMpn(int m, int n)
    if (n > m) return 0L;
    Int64 ret = m;
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
        ret *= (m - i - 1);
    return ret;

// m種類から重複を許してn個を選ぶ組み合わせ(順番は無視)
public static Int64 GetMhn(int m, int n)
    return GetMcn(m + n - 1, n);

static Int64[] fact = new Int64[500005];
static Int64[] inv = new Int64[500005];

/// <summary>
/// FOR TEST - mCn % p (p should be prime number)
/// </summary>
public static Int64 GetMcn_p_Simple(Int64 m, Int64 n, Int64 p)
    // m! / ( n! ( m - n )! )
    return fact[m] * inv[m - n] % p * inv[n] % p;

/// <summary>
///  mCn % p (p should be prime number)
///  use Lucas's theorem
///   - need pre-calculation using the mod
/// </summary>
public static Int64 GetMcn_p(Int64 m, Int64 n, Int64 p)
    if (!(0 <= n && n <= m)) return 0;
    Int64 ret = 1;
    for (; n > 0; m /= p, n /= p)
        Int64 n0 = m % p, k0 = n % p;
        if (n0 < k0) return 0;
        ret = ret * GetMcn_p_Simple(n0, k0, p);
        ret %= p;
    return ret;

/// <summary>
///  mCn % p (p should be prime number)
///  use Lucas's theorem (No pre-calculation needed)
/// </summary>
public static Int64 GetMcn_p_NoPrecalc(int m, int n, int p)
    if (p < 2) return GetMcn(m, n);

    var dm1 = m / p;
    var dm2 = m % p;
    var dn1 = n / p;
    var dn2 = n % p;

    if ((dm2 < dn2) || (dm1 < dn1)) return 0;

    return GetMcn(dm1, dn1) * GetMcn(dm2, dn2) % p;

public static Int64 ModInv(Int64 a, Int64 m)
    Int64 x = 0, y = 0;
    ExtGcd(a, m, ref x, ref y);
    if (x < 0) x += m; //modInv will never be negative
    return x;

public static void Precal_FactAndInv(Int64 mod)
    fact[0] = 1;
    inv[0] = ModInv(1, mod);

    for (Int64 i = 1; i < 500005; i++)
        fact[i] = (fact[i - 1] * i) % mod;
        inv[i] = ModInv(fact[i], mod);
